International art competition "MIRADAS INTERNATIONAL ART CONTEST 2023" (ATTENTION!!! Change of deadline for submission of works)

Prof. Andrzej Grzybowski, M.D., Head of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Warmia and Mazury, Head of the Institute of Ophthalmic Research, was invited to be a member of the committee in the prestigious Miradas International Art Contest 2023. This is a competition for artists from all over the world with the aim of drawing public attention through art to the problems of ophthalmic care, taking care of good eyesight [...]

The cover of the February issue of the ophthalmology journal Journal of Refractive Surgery featured a painting by Ms Patrycja Maria Kowal

The cover of the February issue of the ophthalmology journal 'Journal of Refractive Surgery' features a painting by Ms Patrycja Maria Kowal Ms Patrycja is the Polish winner of the international graphic design competition 'Miradas' organised by the Prof. Jorge Alio Foundation. The subject of the painting is the feeling of irreversible blindness. A person affected by glaucoma loses peripheral vision and at the same time imagines the loss of central and total vision. [...]