Management of lacrimal duct obstruction in children
Prof. A. Grzybowski, MD, PhD, Magdalena Gaca-Wysocka, MD
Partial or complete lacrimal duct obstruction is one of the more common ophthalmic diseases of neonatal and infant age. The main symptoms of tear duct obstruction include lacrimation and the presence of a mucopurulent discharge in the conjunctival sac. Congenital lacrimal duct obstruction with stenosis running through the nasolacrimal duct in the area of Hasner's valve is most common. (1,2,3 ). It occurs in 5-20% neonates (3). Symptoms of congenital lacrimal duct obstruction appear soon after birth or, more commonly, after a few weeks of life. As the child grows and increased tear production occurs, the symptoms of the condition may worsen and sometimes resolve by spontaneous obstruction. Congenital tear duct obstruction can occur unilaterally or bilaterally, but is far more common unilaterally.
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